The day started off like any other. My youngest waking at 5:45am bouncing up and down in her cot and my toddler running into our room shortly after. Then we went about our day getting ready to go to work and daycare respectively. I was putting on the washing when I heard a blood curdling scream, I ran out to see what was happening and found that my 2 year old had made her way through the baby proofing out to the patio and my 9 month old had fallen down 11 concrete stairs.
I found her there are the very bottom crying.
I rushed down to pick her up inconsolable but as I did she soon calmed down and laughed at Summer her sister who said ‘Lilly fell down’. I felt like the worst mother in the world. I went to the Dr and we went onto John Hunter Hospital where Lilly remained under observation for 24 hours. During that time I felt so much gratitude for this country we live in and The John Hunter Hospital which I have viewed so far, after two babies and one other procedure as an incredible facility.
After 24 hours of observation and scans we returned home. Home never feels quite so beautiful as when you’ve experienced trauma then returned. Every simple aspect of it that you take for granted daily, glows obviously and you remind yourself to be grateful more often.
I am so grateful and I will work to be a better mother everyday for my beautiful children.
In our Childhood Accidents show below Clinical Nurse Consultant Kate King from the John Hunter Trauma Service at John Hunter Hospital takes Mummas through:
common injuries in babies and children
steps you can take as a mother to prevent or lessen the chances of these occurring
what to do if these things do occur
when and how to seek help