Halloween Down Under


Walking through Coles this morning the kids and I stopped in front of giant pumpkins and they wanted to buy it so I could carve it for them for Halloween. Um sorry no. This is one fad I don’t need to get behind thanks! I can assure you I’d be injuring myself carving something like a pumpkin. Cutting butternut pumpkin for dinner is honestly bad enough.

Last year, we kind of got behind the hysteria. We dressed up in costumes we had at home and walked around with a group of school friends and collected lollies. It seriously just doesn’t sit right with me. Here we are, telling our kids not to talk to strangers, yet one day a year we encourage them to knock on their doors and collect food off them. Call me paranoid, but when our strawberries are laced with needles, what really could go wrong?!

I’m interested to hear other people’s opinions on Halloween though. I’ll probably still let the kids dress up but I’d prefer given that it’s the end of October to start concentrating on the Christmas season. Because who doesn’t love Christmas!?