Want your parents to live longer? Get them to babysit


As I scrambled to leave the house today to rush off to work I realised I really wold be in a very tight spot without Mum and Dad. My partner had to dash off to work in Sydney and The Little Unicorn my most loved back-up wasn't open so enter Mum and Dad 'Mum can you take the kids and drive Mick to the train station while I go to New Fm?' 'Sure darling' came the wonderful reassuring voice of my Mumma. Crisis solved! I don't know about you but I also feel SO relaxed when my kids are with my parents. You just know they're being amazingly looked after and cared for. Turns out it's good for your parents too. Data from 500 seniors in the Berlin Aging Study found that those who cared for grandkids lived longer!  The study found that the kids kept them physically active and helped relieve stress. Local NHM Mumma and Dr Sussanah Ward from Blacksmiths said "Looking after kids will keep your parents' mentally alert. It will also encourage a sense of fun and keep them feeling younger but you have to strike a good balance. Make sure your parents get some time to enjoy themselves too, without the kids".