Single mum life...

Once a month, or there about, my partner and I have a kid free weekend. Guaranteed each time a friend or retail assistant will say, ‘oh wow aren’t you lucky, I would give anything to have one of those. ‘ I generally smile and laugh, then I’ll walk away with a little tear in my eyes.

Because in my life, kid free weekends are not all their cracked up to be. 2017 saw the breakdown of my marriage and meant my husband moved away to where his work was, and my three little ones had to adjust to a different life. In the scheme of things we are doing quite well and both have new partners who our children love and seem to have accepted, but the idea of the kids not being there all the time is seriously horrific. Of course they can drive me crazy but I get my recoup time when they go to sleep and honestly wish that would be it!

And I know I’m not alone with all this. The NHM has a sub group, single mums of the Hunter, and the girls on there share their own relatable stories. It’s been a great place for advice, venting and support. But please, I beg of you, try to be sympathetic of any single parents you know. It’s a super tough road and one the majority of us never expected to be travelling.


