
My little girl is a February baby and she will turn 5 next year. This has meant that I’ve had a tough time trying to decide whether to send her to school or not next year. We are part of a fantastic preschool, who incidentally form part of a P-12 school, so I feel I have been guided in the right direction by our preschool directors and educators. The end result is that I have decided to hold her back until the following year, or as a close friend says, keep her until the time is right for her. 

The defining moment for me was when one of the preschool directors said, ‘you may regret sending her early, but you’ll never regret keeping her another year and then the other one said, Grace would probably be totally fine next year, but she would be amazing the year after. And that did it for me. 

Are you tossing up sending your little one next year or have you come to a similar result in the past? I’d love to hear other stories and don’t miss our Education Podcast where we chat about this amongst many other things. 

Proudly Sponsored by The Little Unicorn, Early Childhood Centres. Our Education Special is timed perfectly for mums contemplating what to do next year. At what age are your children ready for care and early education? What option will you go for? How to choose the correct care and education for your bub.