Back to School!


As we approach the Australia Day long weekend I’m looking forward to a relaxing and fun weekend with my kids because on Tuesday they head back to school! I’ll miss them but in truth I won’t miss the fighting, bickering and screaming at each other! This year I’m returning to work full time so have spent the last week trying to prep everything so we are incredibly organised for school. This is the hope anyway! So far I have crazily cleaned out each of their rooms so we can find things quicker and this includes their clothes. Everything has been washed, ironed and labelled all ready for Tuesday. I’ve made up a cabinet in the garage for each bag to go straight out of the car, each hat to be hung and each pair of shoes to sit on. The hope behind this is that in the morning we aren’t madly racing around looking for things. Next up is my study so that I can happily sit at night and work in an organised environment.

What have you done to prepare for next week?