PODCAST RELEASE: Mother's Day Celebration, Your Role As A Mum

Bec and her 2nd baby Gracie

Bec and her 2nd baby Gracie

How did your life change when you became a Mother? Bec and Sarge talk about that moment and how they mind mum life. They also speak to their own mothers Maree and Inga about Mothering their children; advice they have for other mothers, looking back do they feel they made any mistakes, what's the most important thing to do as a mother and how they think their daughters turned out? A celebration of #Mumlife.

How did your life change when you became a Mother? Bec and Sarge talk about that moment and how they mind mum life. They also speak to their own mothers Maree and Inga about Mothering their children; advice they have for other mothers, looking back do they feel they made any mistakes, what's the most important thing to do as a mother and how they think their daughters turned out?