No screen time for kids under 2

Summer and Lilly enjoying the great outdoors

Summer and Lilly enjoying the great outdoors

The World Heath Organisation has issued a warning to parents that children under 2 should have no screen time whatsoever while children from 2-5 years of age should only have an hour a day.

The WHO says screen time in these early stages can stunt your child’s mental development, cause further sleep issues and encourage too much of a sedentary lifestyle.

RIGHTO but what about when you go to the Dr and you have a baby and a toddler or 3 children and you need to stop them going crazy for your own mental health and the wellbeing of everyone else around or when mummy needs to make a super important phone call but she has children crawling all over her and it’s super difficult. The i Pad or i Phone has saved me many a time but we get the message loud and clear, for the good of our kids it should not be an ‘all the time’ thing.