Courtney Roulston from series 2 of Masterchef

Courtney Roulston from series 2 of Masterchef

So I’m awful in the kitchen, Uber Eats was basically the best thing that happened to my world, not my waistline but anyway. Bec is on the other hand quite the little entertainer so she was excited to delve into a show with Courtney.

In this show you’ll learn how to whip up the perfect steak with an incredible sauce. Grab some dishes to take to a BBQ that with wow your friends. If you’d like a meat free night we have that sorted too. Amazing substantial soups for winter and you’ll also be adding avocado mouse with cocoa to your repertoire within no time and your friends will wonder how you got so clued in, enjoy Mumma Chef! 

So you want to whip up the perfect steak with an incredible sauce? You want to have a dish to take to a BBQ that with wow your friends? What about for those nights when you don't want meat, are you after some creative and inspirational meals without meat in them?