Lee Sullivan from The Urban Veggie Patch
Are you like us buy herbs from Coles have ambitions to grow them then they die a horrible death on your window sill? That’s what NHM Mumma Lee Sullivan was like ‘a black thumb’ til she turned it all around and is now an extraordinary proud veggie patch owner.
A bit about Lee…
I have a degree in psychology but am a full time mum to my almost 4 year old son at the moment. When my son was born, I became really interested in clean living and minimizing toxins. After a bit of research, I had some big concerns about how the food we buy in grocery stores is grown, what is on it and where it comes from. That gave me the push I needed to start my own garden.
When I started growing, I was a first time mum and my son was about 1. I definitely felt like gardening saved me in a way - I had lost myself a little in that all-encompassing first year of being a mum. Growing my own food became a great passion, a huge learning experience and gave me something of my own. It played a huge role in me finding myself again.
There is really no downside to growing your own food. It benefits everyone - you, your family, your neighbours and the earth. I wholeheartedly believe we were born to have our hands in the soil, grow our own food and that everyone should be doing it. It's not hard, you just need to start!" Thanks to Humans Who Grow Food features stories of home gardeners and farmers across borders and cultures.
Follow Lee here Instagram.com/urbanveggiepatch and listen to how you can get started with your Veggie Patch below