Homeschooling and How to Handle Covid-19 with Kids

Wow so it’s not our job to be teachers right? But a lot of us are doing that at the moment plus working other jobs mostly all from home. Then there’s the issue of how do we chat consciously with our children about Covid-19 and educate them without freaking them out and making them anxious. All this and more in our podcast below plus the best free educational resources and cool online initiatives being put in place by museums and others around the world.

We all had great respect for our children’s teachers and educators previously but that has grown since we have taken on the role as a home schooling Mum

We all had great respect for our children’s teachers and educators previously but that has grown since we have taken on the role as a home schooling Mum

Our children's worlds have changed so dramatically in such a short space of time. How to we talk to them about Covid-19 without freaking them out? How do we homeschool without going insane? We need to be careful about the language we use with our children and what they take in.