An Australian law has now been passed to say that protesters who intimidate, harass or film people within 150 metres of abortion clinics or hospitals will face punishments including jail time. Upper House Labor MP Penny Sharpe said it was a "terrific day for women in New South Wales".
I have known a few women that have terminated in my lifetime. One of my friends told me she knew a girl that used the 'day after pill' like birth control and had had later abortions too, without a thought. I personally, have never met a woman that did that. Friends of mine have aborted because they thought they were; too young to have a baby or couldn't support one properly, were in an abusive relationship mentally or physically, or had been raped. I personally don't know of any woman ever that's skipped off to an abortion clinic. They've all thought long and hard about it and have been left with great sadness. The thought of the people I've known being hounded and abused as they went to get an abortion seems to me to be unfair.