How To Get Pen Out of Your Lounge, Off Your Walls and More Cleaning Hacks


What are some possible red flags that could signal a man who is seemingly perfect and 'the one' might be capable of someone that turns violent down the track? How to identify those relationships when they become apparent for you, your friends or even your teenage girls.

Pen on couches? Stains on your carpet? Stains on your walls? How do you get rid of that awful smell from gym clothes that won't seem to go away? What about the stained grout in your bathroom? Let Lynsey, The Queen of Cleanfrom the UK sort out all your cleaning woes.

What is Normal as Far as Your Child's Speech is Concerned?

NHM Mumma Lauren Haskins from A Growing Understanding

NHM Mumma Lauren Haskins from A Growing Understanding

Bec's little girl Gracey didn't talk til three years of age! How did she rectify that as a Mum and make her youngest bub a perfect speaker. Also speech milestones, what they should be saying and when and red flags to look out for that indicate you need to seek help with their speech. Listen to our NHM-I GOT IT FROM MY MUMMA Podcast below to learn all about your child and their journey with speech development.

Bec's little girl Gracey didn't talk til three years of age! How did she rectify that as a Mum and make her youngest bub a perfect speaker. Also speech milestones, what they should be saying and when and red flags to look out for that indicate you need to seek help with their speech.

We're joined by the super knowledgable and entertaining Lauren Haskins head Speech Pathologist at A Growing Understanding Speech Pathology. If you’d like to WIN a consult with Lauren go here.


Understanding the steps to take when embarking on your speech pathology journey can be daunting. Perhaps you have noticed that your child isn’t speaking as clearly as their peers. Maybe your child has just been diagnosed with a language delay, and you start to question “what is my next step?” Luckily, with the right support, advice and information; navigating this tricky time can become simpler.

Within this article, I will break down the steps to help you understand your child’s development needs, find the right speech pathologist for your family, assess your funding options, and ensure a successful path when it comes to the growth of your child.

Step 1. When Should You Seek Help

We all know that children develop at different rates, but there are some milestones that can guide a child’s development and help us understand when they need additional support. Speech Pathology Australia has developed several resources and guides relating to communication skills across the early years of childhood. These guides, including the Communication Milestones Poster, provides specific skills that your child may achieve at certain ages ranging from 12 months to five years.

In addition to understanding the specific milestones relating to communication skills, you may also consider seeking a speech pathologist if:

  • you or other people are having difficulty understanding your child

  • people think your child is younger than they are because of the way he speaks

  • your child is being teased or showing frustration because of the way he talks

  • your child is using fewer words than other children his age

  • your child stutters

  • your child’s interactions or play seems unusual or inappropriate

  • your child is struggling with reading or writing

  • there is a diagnosis that could affect speech or language such as hearing loss, auditory processing disorder, autism spectrum disorder or developmental delay

Communication and language challenges can have a widespread impact on a child’s life. It can affect their academic performance, be socially isolating, and impact their choices in adulthood. It is because of this that early intervention by a speech pathologist is not only recommended but can have a significantly positive impact on their daily life – now and in the future. 

Step 2. How to Choose a Speech Pathologist

Choosing a speech pathologist is perhaps one of the most important steps when it comes to securing the right support and pathway for your child. Sure, you can jump online and see what Google brings up. But while independent research is advised, it can often present an overwhelming number of choices, making this step that much harder. So, the question remains, how do you know which speech pathologist is right for your family, and will offer the right services to help your child grow? To find the answer you need to ask the right questions:

Are you certified?

It is important to find out if the speech pathologist you are looking to see is, in fact, certified. In Australia, speech pathology is a self-regulated profession. However, Speech Pathology Australia has established a certified membership program that sees professionals within the industry undergo rigorous training and professional development to sustain the title of Certified Practising Speech Pathologist (CPSP). What does this mean for you? Basically, this certification ensures that you and your child are working with a speech pathologist who will practice within an ethical and evidence-based framework, and is an eligible provider for services under Medicare (for Chronic Disease Management and other eligible allied health items), private health funds, and other schemes including Helping Children With Autism (HCWA), Better Start for Children with Disability, and the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

Are you child-friendly?

This may seem like a no-brainer, but knowing if a speech pathologist works well with children is something that will help you to feel at ease. While many speech pathologists claim to “work with children”, observing how they actually do this will give you the best insight into their services and methods. Is the therapists on the floor with your child? Are they trying to understand your child’s interests? Is your child having fun? Does your child seem willing to interact with the therapist? If you can answer yes to these questions, then chances are you’ve chosen the right speech pathologist who will help your child grow.

Are you experienced and do you understand my child’s challenges?

A good therapist should know what kind of treatment is best for your child. In addition, this treatment should be based on research. The bottom line is that the therapist should appear to know what he/she is talking about. Finally, you should feel comfortable with the amount of experience this therapist has with children like yours.  Some additional questions that may help you decide if the therapist is experienced and knowledgeable in early language intervention are:

  • How much of your caseload is made up of children like mine?

  • Can I talk to some other parents who you have worked with?

  • What treatment do you recommend and why?

  • What’s the evidence that supports these recommendations?

  • Where can I learn more about this kind of treatment?

Do you work with the family and educators to ensure the best results?

The best speech pathologists are those who will work with you, as well as your child, to develop the right therapy, activities and resources to support growth in a variety of contexts (at home, school etc). They understand that the time spent with your child is limited, and because you are an incredibly important part of your child’s life, you need to be involved in the intervention and play a major role. The right speech pathologist will be able to work with you to develop your skills so you feel confident delivering ‘treatment’ throughout your child’s day.

When it comes down to it, you want a speech pathologist who is respectful of both your child’s needs and of yours. According to Speech Pathology Australia, they should be someone who:

  • Observes: takes the time to discover what is important to the parent

  • Waits: gives the parent time to talk about what is important to her/him

  • Listens: responds to what the parent says to show he/she has been heard

Step 3. Understanding Your Funding Options (including NDIS)

Now that you have chosen your speech pathologist, the next step is to get your head around what you can do to pay for the number of therapy sessions and assessments that have been recommended. Your speech pathologist will be able to provide information on the various options, but it is always a good idea to have a basic understanding of what is available.

The main programs available for funding speech pathology services are as follows:

Medicare – Chronic Disease Management Program (CDM)

Speech pathologists can work with your GP to provide therapy under a CDM plan. The Chronic Disease Management scheme is initiated by your GP, and is available to children and adults with Chronic Care needs. People with Autism are automatically eligible for the CDM because an Autism Spectrum Disorder is considered a chronic condition. The Medicare rebate is available for five sessions of Allied Health therapy, including Speech Pathology, per calendar year.

Please note that CDM plans can only be used for Individual therapy sessions. The CDM Plan does not provide funding for group therapy sessions. Click herefor more information.

National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

If you choose to see a speech pathologist that is a registered NDIS provider, you could access individual and group therapy services under a specific plan implemented for your child. There is an eligibility criteria that you would need to assess, and if your child meets the criteria you can ask to become a participant by completing an Access Request Form.

If your child is aged between 0 and 6 years of age, there is a specific service called Early Childhood Early Intervention (ECEI) available. The ECEI approach supports families to help children develop the skills they need to take part in daily activities and achieve the best possible outcomes throughout their life.

To find out more about the NDIS you can call their helpline 1800 800 110 or visit the website:

Private Health Fund

Rebates for speech pathology services may be available through your private health fund. You will need to determine the rebates with your health fund provider prior to commencing the service. You will also need to check with your speech pathologist that they are an eligible provider for your health fund.

Please note that you cannot claim a Medicare rebate and a private health insurance rebate for the same service. You must choose which rebate they are going to claim for a service.

Step 4. Defining Your Role in the Speech Therapy Process

The final step in your family’s speech pathology journey is understanding the role that you will take. Parent involvement in the speech therapy process is extremely important when it comes to achieving the best outcomes.  For most children, seeing a speech pathologist once a week isn’t enough time to develop language skills. But if you work together with your child’s speech pathologist, you can play an active role in your child’s intervention by:

  • helping set goals for your child

  • describing daily activities and routines

  • learning strategies that you can use at home that will build your child’s communication skills

  • reporting changes and progress you see in your child

  • determining next steps with the speech pathologist

By working together with your child’s speech pathologist, you become the primary person delivering the therapy, and the speech pathologist functions as your coach and consultant, ensuring the best results possible.

As the name suggests, A Growing Understanding offers services that are centred around growing the understanding of not only children, but for those who care for and support them – you. As your child grows and develops during their speech pathology journey, we will support you and help you develop the right skills to assist them at home and during your daily routine. We will also provide information and advice that can be passed onto educators and other family members, and ensure that growth occurs across a variety of contexts.

Why Facebook is ruining friendships...


My reasons for joining the Facebook world were fairly valid I thought. Our family had recently moved out of Sydney and so this was a great way to stay in touch with friends and family. Instead of trying to remember to individually send pictures of kids to family members, one quick upload and they could all see. Great!

I really feel lately though that there is so much weight on Facebook and I guess the ‘ethics’ around it. If you haven’t commented on a friends photo of their child’s first day of school, or you forget to click ‘like’ on a funny status update of another friend, are you now considered not as close to that person? Will that person be offended?

I first started noticing this a couple of years ago. Life is crazy busy (as it is for everyone) and I find myself not on Facebook as much as I used to be, especially in my breastfeeding years. I constantly miss updates from close friends and when I catch up with them in person and ask ‘what’s been happening?’ I really mean it! But I noticed when I did stop scrolling through Facebook as much that I couldn’t keep a lot of the older friendships I had. That’s sad isn’t it!? I certainly don’t blame anyone for this, and I also don’t blame myself. In the past two years, having not been on my phone as often has been refreshing. I’m flat out during the day and to be honest the last thing I feel like doing at night, if I get a chance to sit, is scroll through my phone.

A really positive thing is that not having learnt about my friends lives from Facebook, means I’m more inclined to catch up with them personally, and we actually have things to talk about! I remember a while ago catching up with friends and everyone knew what everyone was up to before we’d even properly chatted.

Anyway, a few thoughts there, but isn’t it a funny world we now live in!



It's so important in today's day and age to build our kids self esteem but how do we do it?

Our NHM- I GOT IT FROM MY MUMMA Podcast below will guide you through how to do it but here are some pointers.


  • A healthy self esteem begins at birth, when we care for our children and look at them lovingly they feel as if they’re worthy of care and love

  • Spend quality time with your child and show them affection daily


  • When it comes to praise, don’t just give it to them when you feel they ‘achieve’ something praise them randomly just for being them and affirm that you love them just as they are


  • Tell them it’s ok to make mistakes because everyone fails and makes mistakes it’s part of growing and development


  • Don’t try to fix it immediately and seek out the bully to punish them, it may make your child fearful that they can’t be honest with you about their life in the future for fear you could make the situation worse. First, sit with them listen, ask how they feel and validate those feelings then be considered in what action to take if any.


  • Has your child had a challenging time at school? If they get through it with your help it’s actually good for them it will help them deal with adult life and all it’s complications in the workforce and beyond.


  • Don’t put yourself down in front of your children or beat yourself up for making a mistake

  • Praise yourself from time to time and show yourself some love

In the Podcast below we also chat to Jasey Stanley Author of ‘Where are you most beautiful’ a book aimed at building your child’s self esteem from an early age. To win a copy go here.

It's so important in today's day and age to build our kids self esteem but how do we do it? Find out how it begins from birth with Dr Rickie Elliott from The Hummingbird Centre. What can you do day to day to lay the foundations to create a strong self esteem?

BABY STEPS, getting active again after kids

Smile, It doesn’t matter if you reach your toes

Smile, It doesn’t matter if you reach your toes

When I think of how fit I used to be honestly I can’t even comprehend it. After I finished my radio shift PB (not personal best, pre baby) I used to pop off for a 10-14KM run BEFORE Crossfit and sometimes get a yoga session in later that day. Keep in mind I worked on a Radio breakfast show in the morning then was ‘on-email’ through the day but life now does not mirror that in the slightest.

Now my children 1 and 3 and my several jobs take up the lion’s share of everyday. Even though I’m a yoga teacher and have been doing that for 15 or so years (don’t count) I still need to remind myself to breathe. I refuse to use any Strava or running apps because I’m pretty sure Ants on the App would have times that bettered mine. I run slower, less and less often, I only get to yoga a couple of times a week and I do so much less than I used to. The moral of the story is however, it’s ok. You are a mum, honestly I don’t know how you do it, it is in fact the toughest and most gruelling job ever, harder than any work out! So be patient with yourself as I have been with myself, don’t get to judgey and ease back into what you can do when you can do it. You’re a loving mother who cares for little humans daily and that makes you more beautiful and ANYONE on instagram.

PODCAST RELEASE: The Sock Folding Craze Sweeping the Nation KON MARI

How would you like to access your memories better and create a home where every object in it 'sparks joy' in your life?


That's the idea behind the Kon Mari Method. Discover how to bring simple Kon Mari techniques into your own life to re-vamp your life and change your relationship with everyday objects you're surrounded by.


How would you like to access your memories better and create a home where every object in it 'sparks joy' in your life? That's the idea behind the Kon Mari Method. Discover how to bring simple Kon Mari techniques into your own life to re-vamp your life and change your relationship with everyday objects you're surrounded by.

No screen time for kids under 2

Summer and Lilly enjoying the great outdoors

Summer and Lilly enjoying the great outdoors

The World Heath Organisation has issued a warning to parents that children under 2 should have no screen time whatsoever while children from 2-5 years of age should only have an hour a day.

The WHO says screen time in these early stages can stunt your child’s mental development, cause further sleep issues and encourage too much of a sedentary lifestyle.

RIGHTO but what about when you go to the Dr and you have a baby and a toddler or 3 children and you need to stop them going crazy for your own mental health and the wellbeing of everyone else around or when mummy needs to make a super important phone call but she has children crawling all over her and it’s super difficult. The i Pad or i Phone has saved me many a time but we get the message loud and clear, for the good of our kids it should not be an ‘all the time’ thing.

Little Steps Towards a Big Future

Little Lilly

Little Lilly

Often I hear Mums chatting with their friends as I do with mine about the transition of their babes from 5 days at home to a couple of days with an Early Education Centre or other care so I thought I’d share our experience so far.

It seems like a long time ago now I first dropped little Lilly now just over 1 year old to The Little Unicorn Early Education Centre for her first day of an early education. There were tears and we were both sad not to be together for three days a week but I knew she would find friends and discover a world of learning, possibility and get a good feed (I’m a loving mother but the worlds worst cook).

I’m happy to report over 6 months later, it is so beautiful to see her running to the door tri-weekly, smiling in her educators arms and having fun playing with her new friends. Her speech has developed amazingly and I’m so excited daily when she repeats words and surprises me with new ones she’s learnt. I love our time together and feel so blessed to have healthy beautiful children but we are truely blessed too to have educators who care for our children like we do and work hard to help them develop the skills they need for life and years of learning ahead. I also love the amount of craft and beautiful artwork we see her create daily, it fills me with joy to see it hang on my walls but not have to clean up after it when I already have seven million baskets of tiny clothes to wash.

I feel like sometimes it’s nice to take stock of just how blessed we are and how beautiful life truely is. For those following along at home I’ll be doing tri-monthly updates on Lilly’s progress.

PODCAST RELEASE: Mother's Day Celebration, Your Role As A Mum

Bec and her 2nd baby Gracie

Bec and her 2nd baby Gracie

How did your life change when you became a Mother? Bec and Sarge talk about that moment and how they mind mum life. They also speak to their own mothers Maree and Inga about Mothering their children; advice they have for other mothers, looking back do they feel they made any mistakes, what's the most important thing to do as a mother and how they think their daughters turned out? A celebration of #Mumlife.

How did your life change when you became a Mother? Bec and Sarge talk about that moment and how they mind mum life. They also speak to their own mothers Maree and Inga about Mothering their children; advice they have for other mothers, looking back do they feel they made any mistakes, what's the most important thing to do as a mother and how they think their daughters turned out?


We as mum’s are super respectful of mothers and whatever decisions they make in respect of their family and their own health as well as the physical and mental heath of their families.

This episode delves into the decision to have an abortion.

We delve into one mother’s honest account of deciding that her family was enough.

She had struggled with mental heath issues and so had her husband and when she fell pregnant at a time when she already had two small children and just felt like she was getting her life and her family's life on track she made the decision to abort. What was that process like for her? What support did she get from others? Did she have any regrets? How is her family coping now. 

One woman's honest account of deciding that her family was enough. She had struggled with mental heath issues and so had her husband and when she fell pregnant at a time when she already had two small children and just felt like she was getting her life and her family's life on track she made the decision to abort.

Easter Hat Parade

Alright you crafty mums… inspiration! Easter is almost upon us and I’ve been seeing a lot of posts for the Easter Hat Parade. Thankfully, I am not required to make any hats this year, mainly because Easter has fallen within the holidays! Woohoo! However, there are plenty of mums out there currently crafting, brainstorming or stressing about what hat to make.

Are you a Pinterest mum who makes all the others jealous of your skills? Are you the last minute mum who sits up all night the night before finishing the hat? Or are you more like me and remember the morning of and send last year’s hat from the older sibling?

Come on everyone, help out your fellow mums and throw up a picture of your creations, whether they be this year or last.

Happy Easter!



Are you like us and just slap your make up on in the car? It’s time to get schooled in make up by the best Dean Blaq from The Boys Hair and Make Up Studio. You can also WIN a $200 Gift Card from Stockland Greenhills, the best place to go to replace everything in your make up collection go here to win, you can also win a makeover from Dean Blaq!

There is so much in this podcast you have to check it out below but some key points are:

  • Watch out for expiry dates, there’s a little jar on the back of your product don’t go beyond the 12 or 24 months prescribed

  • Don’t pump your mascara, it traps air in and makes it go feral

  • Primer isn’t necessary unless you’re going to an event

  • BB Cream is fantastic

  • Get a good daytime and night time moisturiser

  • It’s ok to shop at Target, Priceline and other cheaper retailers if you search for the right brands

  • Get samples of expensive products before you buy them and make sure they fit your skin first and you’re not allergic to them also that they wear well

Dean Blaq from The Boys Hair and Make Up Studio, Mayfield

Dean Blaq from The Boys Hair and Make Up Studio, Mayfield

Stockland Greenhills is your one stop make up shopping destination with Mecca, David Jones, Price Attack, Priceline and Target

Stockland Greenhills is your one stop make up shopping destination with Mecca, David Jones, Price Attack, Priceline and Target

Do you just slap on some foundation in the morning and hope for the best like us? Let Dean Blaq make up artist from The Boys transform the way you look at your morning routine plus a the best tips and tricks on brands and application whether it's a daily routine or for something more special.

PODCAST RELEASE: How will a religious education affect your kids?

Religions commentator John Safran

Religions commentator John Safran

Going to a Catholic girls school myself I often wonder how it affected me throughout my life generally and also later in life. This week we’re joined by religious commentator John Safran to discuss how religion in schools affects kids. We also look at religion itself, the positives and negatives and its entwinement in our culture and inability in some respects to seperate the two. We discuss the outcome of George Pell’s recent legal case and the reactions surrounding it.

LISTEN via the link below or on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or your Podcast App

We're joined by religious commentator John Safran to chat about how he thinks a religious education will affect our children and then throughout their lives. Also religion itself, bad or good and the probability that often you might not even be able to determine where culture stops and religion starts.

PODCAST RELEASE: Parenting and Drugs

So the teen parenting years are approaching. How have drugs charged and how do you navigate through these years successfully? We talk to one mum of a teenager about how she has managed it, also what she's noticed during these years and Greens MP Cate Faehrmann talks about pill testing and why she's all for it. 

So the teen parenting years are approaching. How have drugs charged and how do you navigate through these years successfully? We talk to one mum of a teenager about how she has managed it, also what she's noticed during these years and Greens MP Cate Faehrmann talks about pill testing and why she's all for it.

Let's celebrate 'Harmony Week' and encourage a more peaceful future

The Little Unicorn are celebrating ‘Harmony Week’ from an early age

The Little Unicorn are celebrating ‘Harmony Week’ from an early age

‘Harmony Week’ 17th - 23rd of March is being celebrated by our Sponsors The Little Unicorn Early Education Centres this week by children donning the colour orange.

Harmony week is meant to signify a celebration of Australian multiculturalism and the rich tapestry that is being interwoven everyday of differing cultures coming together in Harmony and ultimately enriching each other’s life experience.

Harmony Week encourages inclusiveness, respect and belonging amongst all Australians, regardless of cultural or linguistic background, united by a set of core Australian values and I think it’s so important to instil these values in our children from a young age.

The more respect is shown, the closer people can come together to celebrate each other’s differences and develop a deeper level of understanding of what makes each person unique. When we come from a place of love and understanding and a willingness to open our minds and hearts to each other, we find true respect for others, we banish hate and we grow as humans and as a culture of peace. As mums it is our duty to educate our children in such ways to shape the future we all want.

OUTDOOR RENOVATIONS: with Charlie Albone from Selling Houses Australia and Inspired Exteriors

Charlie Albone exhibiting at Chelsea Flower Show

Charlie Albone exhibiting at Chelsea Flower Show

How’s your outdoor area? I’ve met Charlie a couple of times one of my close friends a fellow Yogie Anna’s lovely husband Tim works with him but I haven’t really had the opportunity to back Charlie into a corner at a social function and start going on about my dog ruined, crappy backyard so getting him on NHM- I GOT HIM FROM MY MUMMA seemed like a perfect idea. Charlie is on the box at the moment in the latest Selling Houses Australia series but if you’d like to get him over to your place you can find him daily at Inspired Exteriors.

Here are some of the things we talked to Charlie about, click the link below for the NHM-I GOT IT FROM MY MUMMA, Outdoor Renovations show.


An old wooden boat set into the backyard to create a pirate ship

A little deck for a stage 


Neat and Tidy, have a tidy up, makes a world of difference, especially before selling

Add an archway to an expansive outdoor area

Charlie’s creation at a home in St Ives

Charlie’s creation at a home in St Ives


Is it worth investing in a fence? 

If all your neighbours have one yes. If they don’t, no. 


If you are on a sloping block and it will cost tens of thousands don’t bother with a fence. 

Try to create some ‘useful’ level areasand build your own retaining walls 


Can be expensive. Lots of people love them because it creates a nice common area you can enjoy with your friends. 

A beautiful outdoor space where you can entertain with friends can be a hero of your house. Charlie’s creation in Terrigal

A beautiful outdoor space where you can entertain with friends can be a hero of your house. Charlie’s creation in Terrigal

Consider do you need the fire pit or could you just create the same nice common area without one. 

Go for a cheaper option - Mel’s partner Mick acquired a drum from inside an old washing machine and mounted it on bricks and it works perfectly. 


Train them to do their business in a certain part of the backyard 

Contain them in their own space in one part of the yard or get a cat 


From a ‘real estate’ point of view they’re viewed as one of the worst investments you can make in a house however Charlie says he loves his pool and his kids use it all the time so he doesn’t believe it. 

It will make your home attractive to some buyers put put others off.

Want to make your outdoor space great? What are some cool features you can add to it that your kids will love? Is a dog destroying your outdoors, what are your options there? To fire pit or not to fire pit? Pools and fences and how to manage sloping blocks.

INDOOR RENOVATIONS with Mato Demir from Demato Construction and Maxine and Karstan

Make it happen at your place! with Demato Construction

Make it happen at your place! with Demato Construction

We’ve recently been faced with a problem. Our house is too small and it just doesn’t work for our growing family. We have thought like many, do we sell or do we renovate? When we looked around for houses to buy we thought we’re really buying another person’s home it’s not what we want plus you’re buying other problems that that house has that yours doesn’t so we’ve chosen to renovate.

One of the hardest things to do when renovating is finding the right builder lucky I know a sensational, honest and local builder from The Stars of Newcastle. We raised money together for The Cancer Council a few years ago and he actually won the competition in a draw with Sam from NBN. He has assured me he’s equip to do all NHM Mumma’s renovations too. I let him know there was quite a few of us and he seemed ok with it.

Contact Demato here.

LISTEN to our show below to get some incredible renovation advice for your renovation with Mato and Maxine and Karstan from The Block.

Do you need an architect? How to fix common problems with old houses? Will your house fall down if you move a wall? Create that extra bedroom properly plus how to mix new trends into your home, common painting errors and some cool new ideas you might never have heard of before that you could incorporate in your renovation.

Joint winners of The Stars of Newcastle Mato Demir and Sam Djordan

Joint winners of The Stars of Newcastle Mato Demir and Sam Djordan

Here are some great tips from the show.


Mato Demir, Demato Constructions 


You’re not building the Eiffel Tower most of the renovations you’re contemplating have been done by other families and most good builders will be able to devise a practical plan for you that will work sensationally.


You may need to get some structural advice from a builder before you go knocking down walls because your roof might fall down if the walls are holding it up.

“ A lot of people just rip a wall out, then wonder why the ceiling has collapsed”


Going up is a big deal and it’s expensive probably double or more of going out.


Take a little bit from the bedroom next to the study instead of just converting the study. That will make your forth bedroom better than just an afterthought. 


Maxine and Kartan in their grandmother’s house that they renovated with their feature ‘cactus’ in the background

Maxine and Kartan in their grandmother’s house that they renovated with their feature ‘cactus’ in the background

You can create design ‘features’ in your house to make it pop, you don’t have to have state of the art every which way you look mix elements of old and new, modern and not so modern.


Chevron Parquetry Flooring and polished concrete atop of the floorboards separated by brass feature

Chevron parquetry feature down the hallway, continued to the deck and also in the ensuite bathroom

Chevron parquetry feature down the hallway, continued to the deck and also in the ensuite bathroom

A ‘feature’ Artwork this one by local Mumma Prudence Demarchi



Feature tiles in the bathroom or the kitchen and unique fittings

Karstan and local artist friend Mitch Revs with the right shade of white on the walls

Karstan and local artist friend Mitch Revs with the right shade of white on the walls


A lot of people go wrong when they’re painting!

Lexicon half is good for the walls, Vivid white works well on skirting boards  

Don’t paint fluorescent white on your walls it will give you a sterile environment 


Go to Bunnings and ask are there any red tones in the grey paint? because even 

though it looks ok there it may turn out purple or lavender or blue 

Maxine and Karstan offset their ultra modern black kitchen with a recycled timber island bench

Maxine and Karstan offset their ultra modern black kitchen with a recycled timber island bench

Karstan says “drive around your local area find a house you like the look of and knock on the door and ask what paint they used” 


Temple and Webster 

White Boheamian 

Places Maxine Frequents to deck out the house

Hansgroghe Tapware

Catapult Design Furniture (Australian made)

Recycled Timber Factory Vanities (local)

Artwork Prudence Demarchi (local)

Smeg Appliances from Winnings (local)

Eadie Lifestyle - soft furnishings (local)

Pangaea Concrete Flooring

Pop and Scott


EARP Brothers  

EVEN CUTER KIDS! By Stockland Greenhills Stylist Kirstyn Chapman

Let’s be honest, shopping for our littles is way more fun these days than trying to figure out what size we even wear anymore and facing the grim reaper that is the change room mirror! If putting your energy into making your kids represent in the fashion stakes seems like a more worthy cause, here is what you need to know in 2019 to send your kids to the top of the style class! You won’t need a full tank of petrol, a road map and 30 episodes of Peppa Pig on the Ipad to hit the brief either, everything you need can be found under one roof at Stockland Greenhills.


SPOTS & STRIPES – Old faves get new love with a bit of French influence this Autumn/Winter! Your little Parisian will want to be seen in the colours du jour: Red, Navy, Black And White. Check out Country Road at David Jones & Seed. J’Adore!

Country Road

Country Road

Country Road

Country Road

SAFARI – Leopard is THE print of the season. You won’t need your binoculars to spot this trend as it finds its natural environment on racks everywhere from David Jones to H & M and Seed. Teamed with neutrals it’s a little less ‘Rockstar’ and a bit more ‘Urban Safari’ this time around!





PREPPY – The kid might not have even made it through grade school yet but their style this season is straight out of college. Think cardigans, puffer vests, logo tees, baseball caps and lots of navy and grey. Rookie by Academy Brand at David Jones nails the trend with boys wear that is unique and sophisticated with quality to withstand the rugby field.

Rookie at David Jones

Rookie at David Jones

Country Road at David Jones

Country Road at David Jones

BOTANICA - An abundance of flora and fauna themed prints will swathe our bundles of joy for the rest of the year. If it can be found in nature it will be found on anoraks, tees and leggings in beautiful and intricate patterns that will make even Grandma’s wallpaper look boring. Visit Best & Less, Target and don’t miss Marlo at David Jones for stunning special occasion dresses.

Marlo at David Jones

Marlo at David Jones



Best and Less

Best and Less

GLAM – For the little Pop Princess there is still plenty of glitter and glam to be found in coming seasons. Luxe black glitter satchels from Country Road at DJ’s, Metallic Bombers from Peter Alexander and velour twin Sets at H & M will ensure she makes an impression as big as her personality.





Peter Alexander

Peter Alexander

NEXT LEVEL DENIM – Boys and Girls are getting a denim upgrade this year with new styles, colours and fabrics to play with. Look out for ruffles, fringing and embroidery for the gals as well as overall styles in every shape and size, athletic stripes, chambray details and new lengths for the lads. Just Jeans have the big kids covered while Target, Indie Kids @ DJ’s and Seed have something for everyone else.

H & M

H & M



Indie Kids

Indie Kids

EL RANCHO – Desert tones reign supreme with rust, mustard and greens setting the scene for a backdrop of cactus, fox and Navajo inspired prints. Peter Alexander kids play range is your vista on the horizon for fun play attire and Ghanda always provides the goods for the earthy babe.



Best and Less

Best and Less

Peter Alexander

Peter Alexander




Twinning with Mum & Dad is a huge trend in kids wear right now, spurred on by the rise of ‘Mummy & Me’ bloggers and Instagrammers who find their fame styling their mini’s to match. If copycat style is your thing check out H & M’s fun “family collection” where you can dress the whole fam on trend – all the key season looks are covered with leopard, preppy and stripes all available in men’s, women’s and kids! Seed’s teen and girl ranges also compliment their womenswear beautifully with each new drop ensuring you two (or three or four!) will wow while youyou’re your babycino and double shot mugacinos.

Mini Me Style.jpg

Photo Credit: Instagram @justy_olive


Keeping our kids stylish is a tricky game with them outgrowing, undressing and messing up our efforts quicker than we can say PayPass please. Remembering a few tips and tricks will ensure you get a little more bang for your buck!

*Buy clothes in larger sizes at the clearance sales – now is a fab time to shop for Summer next year!
*Quality over quantity – spend more on one great coat/jacket in a neutral tone which will match lots of outfits over the season rather than grabbing cheaper versions in less versatile colours (as tempting as that bright Fuschia number with the purple buttons may be to your little buddy).
*Take advantage of the fabulous options on offer at purse-friendly prices at retailers such as Best & Less, Big W and Target for everyday wear. Basics such as tee’s and leggings will be worn through and get stained the quickest so best to save the heartbreak and only spend a little on these items. Save the $$ for hardy denim and quality knitwear that wash well.
*Validate bigger ticket purchases by thinking of their re-sale value. If that gorgeous Seed dress is not going to be passed on to a grateful little sister or cousin, brands such as Seed and Country Road are popular in online buying/selling communities and could earn you back some coin to put towards their next dress!
*Read the tags! Avoid “Dry Clean Only” items or anything that is going to see you spending extra time in the laundry that could have been on the couch watching Married At First Sight.
*Comfort is priority Numero Uno! Kids don’t have the same tolerance we do for “Beauty is Pain”. If it’s too fussy or not conducive to running/climbing/slipping/sliding it’s only going to end in tears – for them, you and your bank account.
*Style is an important part of expressing yourself and telling the world who we are! Encourage your kids to enjoy this process and get involved in styling themselves. Find out what they love and why! You might learn a little more about your budding fashionista and their personality along the way. Make it easier for yourself though by providing a few options to choose between rather than giving free reign over the shop.

Kirstyn Chapman is available for Personal Style Consultations at Stockland Greenhills. To book, please call 02 49 332 799 or email


Smiles, laughter and squeals of excitement filled the showground as Regional Australia Bank The Show – Newcastle and Hunter delivered three thrilling days. Babies to grandparents filed through the gates to discover something new as part of the community event where agriculture meets artisan and carnival.


NHM Mumma’s flocked to the show in record numbers with kids and bubs in tow.

President Peter Evans said it was a fabulous weekend with packed grandstands, people four to five deep around the centre ring and line-ups for rides, showbags and food.


Mr Evans said the most popular centre-ring events were the rodeo, monster trucks and fireworks.

And the animal nursery was also a great hit with kids of all ages patting and feeding the baby critters. Its popularity saw organisers needing to build another five-tap washstand to ensure hands were clean as they left.

“We have not seen numbers like this at The Show, since the 1980s. It is fantastic to see the families arriving in droves and the kids so excited.”

“The community has spoken – it wants to keep The Show and the showground. We intend to answer the call by further developing it into a community space for 365 days that includes our annual show.”


At this year’s event new competitions honey and LEGO also attracted a lot of attention from entrants and the public. There were more than 30 honey entries and 160 LEGO lovers, aged from two to 56 years, built amazing displays. On the more traditional side there were more than 130 horse entrants, with some using The Show to prepare for Sydney Royal Easter Show. This was the same story for the tent pegging and woodchop competitors.


General manager Gabe Robinson said it was a glorious representation of Newcastle & Hunter getting behind the region’s biggest show and helping to rebuild it.

Mr Robinson said The Show was a community event for the community by the community. . “This year is a sample of what is to come as together we rebuild the iconic event to showcase the region’s agriculture, horticulture and industry from 2020 onwards. Watch this space and keep an eye out for our giant box – to see what is next!”


EVEN CUTER KIDS! with Jules Sebastian and Kirstyn Chapman from Stockland Greenhills

Jules is Mumma to Hudson and Archer

Jules is Mumma to Hudson and Archer

Join one of Australia's most well known and loved Stylists Jules Sebastian for a chat about mum life and kids fashion. Jules contemplates, can you have it all as a mum and a career woman? How she’s managed to shape her career around her family life and how does she style her boys?

Join one of Australia's most well known and loved Stylists Jules Sebastian for a chat about mum life and kids fashion. What's on trend and what to stay away from? What are investment pieces that you should consider buying and what are stand out brands to choose from.

Kristyn Chapman Head Stylist from Stockland Greenhills talks what are investment pieces that you should consider buying and what are stand out brands to choose from. What's on trend and what to stay away from? What do you do if your kids are into glitter and Disney and should you ever consider mummy and me dressing? How about kid’s footwear and what trends are we seeing for boys that are really cute.

Win a Stockland Greenhills gift card for you to shop with and check out all the styles we've talked about here with Jules and Kristyn Chapman the head Stylist at Stockland Greenhills. To go into the draw to win the gift card check out our WIN page.